Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Be Prepared. Don't depend on the government or the kindness of others.

Admin  /  at  11:37 AM  / 

Be Prepared. Are you prepared for prolonged emergency? People who were hit hard by Superstorm Sandy (or Hurricane Katrina)  never thought they would go weeks or months without electricity, food or be homeless. 

Did the government come to their rescue?  And if so was it in a timely manner?

There are still people homeless and who not to long ago got their power back from the effects of Sandy.

 Why would you want to be powerless and at the mercy of others or the government when you can be prepared and self reliant in the event of unforeseen natural disasters or man-made emergencies?

As we have seen in Katrina and Sandy when food, fuel and other resources are scarce or disappear people become desperate. There was looting during Katrina, people fighting over garbage out of trash cans for food during Sandy and their were people who became homeless in both disasters.

Many say well I will rush to the store when this happens. Really? Do you want to fight the desperate scared mobs for the groceries?

And once those food supplies, fuel and resources are gone it could be weeks before more will come since the supply chain is interrupted, as we saw during Superstorm Sandy.

Be pro-active! Prepare and get supplies

.The government says have at least a three day supply of food, water and fuel. But to be frank this is inadequate. Three days was not enough for the victims of Sandy and Katrina. Many waited months before they could get back on their feet and the supply chains were back in full swing. And if we had an economic collapse or got hit by a terrorist attack in the form of nuclear, biological or electromagnetic pulse it would be ten times worse.

An economic collapse or a terrorist attack in the form of biological, nuclear or electromagnetic pulse would send us back to the stone age, a new dark ages. There would be chaos and anarchy on a major scale. We would lose all electricity, running water, sewer at some point as it would disrupt distribution of these public services. In the case of an Electromagnetic Pulse there would lose electricity, running water and sewer immediately, similar to what is portrayed in the new NBC series Revolution.

Again, be proactive. Get Prepared. But don't settle for a few days supplies. Get at a minimum three  months supplies of food , water and medicines for each family member, as well as fuel for heat or travel.



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